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Writer's pictureAnna Del Castillo

Growing Wellbeing

A Soulful Practice that can be done independently or in a group using the art below.

Growing Wellbeing

1. Begin by sharing the Artist’s Statement as you direct attention to the artwork on the other side:

  • Clockwise, from the bottom right corner, you see the seed, the sprout, the bloom, the fruit, and a slice of ripe orange. The labyrinth, along with the sun and moon and creatures, support this journey as the seed emerges and transforms. Like other growing things, we, too, evolve in a balance of light and dark, surrounded by a community of beings. The labyrinth reminds us that even when we can not see it, growth unfolds when we allow ourselves to be lured by the divine wisdom within and around us. We may not know where we are in any given cycle or season. This practice helps us welcome the conditions that lead to our well-being.

2. Invite participants to gather for a brief reflection.

  • Take a few deep breaths as you notice the seed, the sprout, the bloom, the ripening fruit and the slice of the orange.

  • Take a few deep breaths as notice the sun and the moon and remember that all beings need both light and darkness to grow.

  • Take a few deep breaths as you notice the labyrinth, a reminder of the divine presence that grounds us in gravity and holds us

  • Breathe deeply as you notice the creatures who represent our communities, visible and invisible.

  • Allow your gaze to rest on part of the picture that represents where you are today. Are you feeling like a seed in dark, fertile soil? A sprout reaching toward the light? What part of this picture calls out to you or makes you curious? What associations, memories, callings or curiosities arise for you? Allow your imagination to linger there.

3. Invite group to journal or process in pairs what surfaced for them. Invite sharing of any aha moments.

4. Close with a blessing from Christine Valter Paintner:

Creator / Source / Universe / Guide us in discovering the ways we have been chosen To bring blossoming into the world Help us to listen closely for the seeds rumbling deep within us And to know which ones to nourish.

Created by Dori Baker / Art by

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